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Our work

At Seis Hormigas we provide audiovisual resources for projects that promote social change through education, technology, culture, art and the environment.

We are committed to positive transformation and social development, working with different organisations to achieve real change in society.


Audiovisual campaign to promote youth participation in Spain through experiences of young people active in participation for change and social leadership, rule of law and promotion of the culture of legality in Senegal.


Within the project "Andalusian NGDOs in the 2030 Agenda: promoting the implementation of an Andalusian strategy for the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals, within the framework of Development Cooperation (SDGs)" carried out by the Andalusian NGDO Coordination.

We developed this annual campaign of audiovisual material, with the specific objective of promoting the implementation of a strategy for the fulfilment of the SDGs from the Andalusian NGDO Coordination.

Short film

With the aim of giving greater visibility and tools to identify toxic relationships and thus prevent gender violence in adolescence, we developed this short film, whose main idea is based on the invisibility or subtlety of violence in couples through social networks and new communication tools.

Networking campaigns

The #amordelbueno audiovisual campaign for social networks was created with the aim of promoting healthy relationships among the younger population, where love and respect for oneself and one's partners are the keys to creating and maintaining a relationship.

Domestic and Care Workers

In 2021, the global pandemic highlighted the sacrifices that millions of women around the world continue to make to reconcile domestic work with other work and personal responsibilities.


Who will it be? is the title we give to this animated story made as a didactic material on prevention of gender violence for schools and other educational institutions. This title is given as the main element of the story, where we talk about social responsibility in the education of children.

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